Welcome to

Hawkes Bay VW Club

Home / Sponsorship


The Hawkes Bay Volkswagen Owners Club has launched this club noticeboard / website and would like to invite you to be a part of it, by promoting your business on our site.

The ever expanding friendly VW club is widely supported by members across Hawkes Bay and veiwed by many outside of the Bay.  The website already receives numerous hits a week from everyone interested in Volkswagens throughout New Zealand and the rest of the world, we believe your business will benefit from this same exposure.

Your business will be promoted with a front page sponsorship logo and details, with an internal link to your own website and/or email address. (The advertiser will need to provide a logo/image and a copy of what is wanted on the page, although the club reserve the right to edit this to fit the advertisement space.) This package is for an annual nominal fee of just $50.

We are a non-profit organisation and the sponsorship will be used to maintain the website and develop it for the future. The promotion of your business in return for your sponsorship will be paramount in helping us achieve this. So let us promote your business in classic VW style!

If you would like to advertise your business as well as help sponsor this website please contact us with the subject 'Advertisment' 

Thank You

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