17th September Sunday
W all met at BOX ESPRESSO Clive (next to BP) at 1:30 pm too late to grab a caffeine fix, Once assembled with a couple new faces to come along with us we then cruised some backroads thru Pakowhai new balley bridge into Taradale then heading out through Eskdale and over Hedgely Road Seafeild out to Dartmoor to see the serious big new bridge built in 6 weeks it looks permanent and returned to Puketapu to the watering hole for drink and further chit chat before the attendance / paid up members prize draw, Good one Craig. That got a few more members paid up when the prize was a goody. by about 4:30 all of us making our various ways home again.
Attendance numbers around 18 people and 10 vehicles.
A nice sunny but windy cruise was had by all. Thanks for all coming as everyone enjoyed the outing.